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I took a walk...

June 1st, 8pm. Walking the dogs up the fields behind my house. Beautiful light and gorgeous wild flowers. Buttercups, Red Campion and White Cow Parsley, totally inspired to do a smaller, quicker turn around print for a change.

Image flipped and plan penned onto my lino.

All areas I want to keep white cut out.


 first colour inked on the block, it's a very pale blue I wanted to use for the Cow parsley in the shade.

 and printed.

Next I wanted to capture all those little dots of sunshine buttercups and the first green grass blades caught in the evening sun so I mixed a golden yellow and a bright green.

Printed layer 2

 After cutting all the buttercup flowers out and the grass blades I wanted to keep in the last colour I printed a green

 below you can see the buttercups and grass appearing



 lots of detail cutting

and a darker green on the lino

 and printed

I wondered if I should miss the Red Campion out as I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get the bright pink on top of my greens, but I gave it a go so here's a slash of bright pink

small flowers cut out of the lino to keep the pink and then a darker green across everything

 you can just see the little pink flower heads which is what I wanted.

 more detail grass and leaves and a final layer of dark green to finish

The edition is 24 

the print size is 17.5 x 19.5cm 

7 layers of colour

I've done some on 250gms Somerset and some on Japanese Ho Sho paper. 

The print is available here

For fun before I cut more detail off, I printed a few one colour prints over ripped out magazine pages. So there are a few AP ( artist proof) print and collage available.

Also some one colour prints.

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