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Sea Rocks

Rinsey Cove, Wednesday the 21st November. 

A beautiful place and the light was just amazing, and those waves we've had all week have just been fab.

I had a good friend Sally to stay this week, PHEW ! just before the new lockdown and I've taken her to see my favourite places.

We decided we would do a small piece of art inspired by our day out and about on Wednesday. 

I chose this small section of Rinsey Cove beach for a mini linocut.

First I flipped my photo so everything is the right way round for cutting.

 I like the patterns on the sand made by the sea coming in.

Rough drawing plan on the lino.

 white crayon sea foam scribbles to mark areas I want to cut out

First cut, first layer of print. ( Photos taken on my phone see the finished scan for a more realistic colour at the end of the post.) 

2nd cut and 2nd colour 

 3rd cut and colour

 4th cut and final print layer of black to bring out the rocks.

scanned finished print below is truer to the actual colour. I printed 7 and 5 are available to buy in my shop 

and Sally's 'Sea Spirit' summed up her joy of making art in the extremes of Cornwall. 

Sally has been making an iPad painting a day since the 15th of March for her Covid-19 Degrees of Separation project, to see more click here




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