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Open Studios Cornwall 2024 - Thankyou to everyone who visited me during Open Studios it was a lovely week.

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The colours of a late afternoon mid February, a beach to myself ( and the dogs ) looking for potential new images to cut.

I decided on this one with it's interesting sky, wet beach reflections, sea and rocks, perfect. I started this print during the Cornwall Open Studios and posted my layers as I went along but here it is again if you didn't see it on instagram.

First drawing on the lino and white crayon marks for first cut.


 First colour printed, I went for a very pale grey/blue, the white foam of the sea isn't actually white and I didn't want it to be too bright and distract from the wet reflections catching the sun.


 I wanted to get the brightness of the sun peeping through the clouds and reflecting on the wet sand so next I went for a light yellow.

The cuts so far and white markings of what I'm planning to cut next. The bits I cut out are the bits I want to keep, of the colour I've just printed. 

 Next a pink and blue in the sky,

 more blue on the sky and a silvery pale grey on the water reflection.

 A darker blue in the sky which is now finished and a pale apricot added to the reflections,

 first blue on the sea, first brown on the sand

 a grey ink on the lino 

 and printed over the sea and the beach.

 First green on the sea,

 and now the lino looks like this.

2nd sea green and a darker brown on the beach with a fade to get the look of the wet untrodden slightly bulging sand.

3rd green onto the sea, I'm very pleased with my little waves 

 and a dark grey on the sand

dark brown to start the rocks and a darker grey to finish the reflections. 

Another darker green on the wave to finish it with a bit more depth and roll.

Darker layer onto the rocks,

and scribbles on my lino to work out which bits I'm cutting and keeping for the last rock details.

I mixed a very dark almost black without using black to finish the rocks and the picture.

Hanging up to dry

Finished print and I named it Seaward as that's where it's flowing.

 An idea of how it might look framed


Print size 42 x 63cm

Reduction linocut 22 colours

Limited edition of 12

Paper 56 x 75cm Somerset satin 250gms  

Available to buy here






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