Heading for a swim, walking down the coastal path towards the beach mid May.
Last year I remember seeing 2 of these pink flowers, this year they were all over the banking, very beautiful.
My drawing on the lino of the basic image I'm planning. Bit of artistic licence on the composition and the removal of my little fluffy grey dog lol, oh and flipped ofcourse.
It looked a bit complicated so I thought I'd just get the sky sorted first. White crayon shows what I'm going to cut away and leave white on the paper.
First two layers of colour down on the paper, a pale blue of the sky and the first palest grey of the water on the beach.
3rd and 4th colours, blue shadow clouds, water pools on the beach
the lino showing the ripples cut on the beach
and printing the 5th colour, the sand, pale yellow
6th blue for the reflection in the beach pool and the clouds on the horizon. That's the sky finished.
7th the brown of the path
8th the pink of the Byzantine gladiolus
9 & 10 yellow and orange of the Coltsfoot
11th colour the first green
12th colour 2nd green, I always love how cutting and printing the darker greens just gives depth to the plants and brings them out.
The lino was so pretty at this stage with it's criss crossing cuts, the white crayon shows what I'm going to cut next.
13th colour is the pale pinky grey of the rocks
14th a slightly darker grey for the rocks and pebbles on the path
The lino showing cuts for the rocks
15th colour is back to green
16th & 17th blue and green finishes the detail of the sea in the background
18th colour, another darker grey brings out more rock details
19th, I decided I needed another darker grey to finish the rocks, it definitely grounds them onto the beach and sends Logan Rock out to sea
I painted ( not printed ) on some hi-lights of bright pinks and oranges to the flowers then printed the dark red petal outlines on top. Another dark green added more depth to the grasses and finally an almost black green for the stems.
Finished print 22 colours
Coastal Path
Print size 63 x 42cm
Reduction linocut 22 colours
Limited edition of 18
Paper 56 x 75cm Somerset satin 250gms
This is sold unframed the framed pic just show how it could look.