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Open Studios Cornwall 2024 - Thankyou to everyone who visited me during Open Studios it was a lovely week.

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The Phone Cases

The Phone Cases

So we have these gorgeous phone cases instigated by my daughter Elle, who has been on the case of my social media and is taking over my marketing. Means I'll get more cutting time, YEY!  but also I get pics put up of me in my pyjamas! Thanks El  My artwork printed on phone cases. We've partnered with a print on demand company so the cases come out directly to you from them. After our initial hiccup all seems to be working well. So thank you so much to all our 'early adopters' who were very patient while we sorted...

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Evening Reflections

Evening Reflections

Antalya piers in Turkey last October. Definitely too busy for me during the day, I love my quiet Cornwall, but so beautiful in the evenings with all these golden reflections. Oops as I wrote this I realised how busy Cornwall beaches can be in the summer !  I couldn't resist having a go at these wonderful waves they're just so gentle and warm and with those intricate pier reflections. I saw this as yellows and blues and wanted to keep to that colour pallet. I was very disappointed when mixing the colours they weren't blues, just greys, but contrasting with the...

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Prussia Cove

Prussia Cove

Here's a photo I've been dying to print since I took it. I love the composition of the rocks floating. The contrast of the dark rocks with the light patterned bottom of the pool. The delicate shadows of the little ripples.  So how to best tackle the shadows. No white in this one so straight into colour. Here's the lino with the 2nd colour rolled on 4 colours make the bottom of the pool and a blue sky   the start of the rocks  2nd colour on the rocks and a sky blue onto the water surface  a dark green into...

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Last Light

Last Light

Last Light - came from a photograph I took last year walking around Gurnard's Head as the sun was setting and amazingly it had lined up with the rocks to send that shard of light across the sea. I looked for it again this year but it hadn't quite lined up. Stupidly I forgot to flip the photo before I started, so I can't call it Towards Pendeen ha ha.  This print has so many colours I lost count and as usual there are bits I love like the lichen on the rocks at the front and the shard of...

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St Ives Bay

St Ives Bay

First print of 2024 - St Ives Bay I'm loving the tranquility of this one. I'm going away in March to spend 3 weeks dancing Tango in Buenos Aires. It's my other passion so... I'e been working double time, days and nights to make sure I've started 2024 with some lovely big prints. Here's the first Photo inspiration - Looking across the wet sands of Porth Kidney towards Porthminster and St Ives.    My print St Ives Bay -  It's a lovely calming early summer evening, light and reflections glow across the beach. Summer days and sand between your toes....

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